Pais basque

It's been a crazy year for me after spontaneously moving here and finding my dream job.  I realized I've spent so much time in Spain but I haven't seen much of the country and it was time to venture out. What's life without taking some risks? And going on a new adventure? 

Like most of my stories traveling stories begin, it all started when I was in Barcelona. I met 3 jollu and boisterous Irshman on my old stomping grounds in Barceloneta. We became friends and stayed in touch it turns out they were going to live in Basque Country for the year and invited me to come visit. So I took them up on their offer and I got to see some of the most beautiful parts of the country: San Sebastian, Bilbao, and Vitoria Gasteiz. 

spanish village
yellow pants
Vitoria Gasteiz
vitoria gasteiz polaroid
fountain vitoria
train selfie
san sebastian river
Feria de abril

Feria de abril

Compound x barcelona

Compound x barcelona