

It’s so easy to want more in life all the time. The last few years I found myself realizing that some of the things that I longed for could never really make me happy. Romanticizing a certain lifestyle or trying to change myself, thinking it would make my life better or that I would feel like a different person, an idealized version of myself.

I am so sick of telling myself lies or half-truths about who I am, where I am meant to be, or what I am meant to be doing. Social media can be a blackhole. You can follow people’s lifestyles, experiences, extravagances, and more. For some, (like myself) I felt like what I had been following and desiring was unattainable, and it was making me so unhappy. It’s so easy to spend hours getting lost in it and believing everything on there is real, but in fact is it is usually curated, and is a twisted point of reality.

It made me question myself more like, what about me and my life? Don’t I also have fun and enjoy myself? Don’t I also get to travel? It’s crazy how easy it is to fall into envy of what other people have and forget to be grateful for all the things that so many of us have. So my determination now is to remember three things that happen everyday that I am grateful for (big or small), no matter how good or bad my days are. Life is too short to focus on the negative. Everyday is a new day; be grateful for it. 🌞

Off the grid

Off the grid

Everything's bigger in Texas

Everything's bigger in Texas