Off the grid
I’ve been doing a bit of a social media detox and not gonna lie it feels so good. If I could live off the grid for a bit I would opt for that. It’s crazy how much technology can affect you but also be so paradoxically useful simultaneously. I suppose to get the right balance you have to find a way to live with it that best fits your lifestyle.
I spend so much time using my laptop and phone for work and pleasure that on some weekends I try not to look at them (if I can help it). It makes me want to find other ways to find creative outlets that are more analogue.
I love using my cameras, but all my cameras broke recently so it’s been difficult using that outlet as I have before. But I guess this gives me a chance to share the other miscellaneous photos I haven’t before. I finally managed to get some of the photos I had developed. I went camping this summer near Bath and it was so lovely. The buildings were exactly what I’d imagine England to be like and the countryside was so picturesque. I want to spend more time outside the city and immerse myself in nature. I can’t lie and say I was fully immersed in nature since we were still on someone’s property, that had a restaurant, there was a barn, and it seemed to be the weekend spot for the locals but it was really nice to get away from the city and get some peace and quiet.